Do you struggle with ways to stay you and be seen as a credible person at work and in your business?
Have you been in this situation?
You’re sitting in a work or business meeting with a great idea or point to make. You've done your homework and know it could save your company money or be a game changer for that project your team is working on.
But you don't feel confident to speak up, or you do, but get interrupted so you give up and the conversation continues without your input. You feel frustrated, irritated, depressed or just give up.
It's time to stop that happening!
Have you been in this situation?
You’re sitting in a work or business meeting with a great idea or point to make. You've done your homework and know it could save your company money or be a game changer for that project your team is working on.
But you don't feel confident to speak up, or you do, but get interrupted so you give up and the conversation continues without your input. You feel frustrated, irritated, depressed or just give up.
It's time to stop that happening!
5 TOP RESOURCES: KEEPING A JOURNALProductivity / 23 August 2018The most successful people start their day the night before by keeping up with an evening routine, doing a brain dump in their journal and jotting down the challenges they want to sort out or complete the following day.
But how do you keep a powerful journal in a way that will give me the most productive day? It's time to find out... HOW TO BE MORE PRODUCTIVEProductivity // 1 SEPTEMBER 2017The issue of Time Management is very much about management of yourself. This core skill will enable a lot of things to be available and possible for you. First identifying your long term goals and objectives is the basis for then creating the mid to short term activities that build one after the other to achieve this goal...
ABOUT ME Hi, I'm Debo.
I've been where you are now. Do you have a great business idea but struggle to find how to get it started? At work meetings, do you find you have good ideas to share but you don't speak up? Do you feel you have low or no confidence? Worrying about what the next 'right' step should be? It's time to get you some practical help. Seriously. Let me show you how to 10X your confidence in 10 weeks. |
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